DSSSB Nursing Officer Staff Nurse Recruitment 2024

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  DSSSB Staff Nurse Recruitment 2023"

Introductory Segment:
Welcome to the ultimate guide on the DSSSB Staff Nurse Recruitment 2023. The Delhi Subordinate Service Selection Board (DSSSB) has opened doors for aspiring nurses with a recent announcement of vacancies for the Nurse Grade-A position. This blog post is your all-in-one resource, detailing everything from eligibility criteria, application procedures, to examination syllabus. Whether you're a recent graduate or a seasoned professional, here's how you can secure your position in one of the most prestigious healthcare sectors in India.

Key Information and Important Dates:

Notification Released17 November 2023
Application Start Date21 November 2023
Application Closing Date20 December 2023
Admit Card AnnouncementNotify Soon
Exam/Interview DateNotify Soon
Result DateNotify Soon

Vacancy Details:

Post NameTotal VacanciesCategories
Staff Nurse (Nurse Grade- A)90 PostsUR-37, OBC-26, SC-11, ST-6, EWS-10

Eligibility Criteria Description:
To be eligible for the DSSSB Staff Nurse position, candidates must possess a GNM, BSc Nursing, or MSc Nursing degree from a recognized university. This ensures that applicants have the necessary knowledge and skills to excel in their roles.

Fee Structure Breakdown:
Details regarding the application fee will be updated later. Stay tuned for the official announcement on the DSSSB website.

Age Limit for Various Categories:

CategoryAge Limit
General21-35 Years
SC/ST/OBC/EWS/PHAs per government norms

Application Procedure:

  1. Visit the official DSSSB website at https://dsssb.delhi.gov.in.
  2. Click on the latest Application Form link for the Staff Nurse Post Notification 2023.
  3. Fill in the application form with all required details.
  4. Submit the application form before the deadline.
  5. Print the application form for future reference.

Examination Syllabus Details:
The syllabus includes topics from Nursing Subject, General Awareness, Aptitude Test, and General English, covering various aspects necessary for the comprehensive evaluation of the candidates.

Examination Date Announcement:
The examination/interview dates will be announced soon. Candidates are advised to regularly check the official website for updates.

Admit Card Information:
The admit card for the written examination will be available on the DSSSB official website prior to the examination date.

Answer Key Release:
The answer key will be published on the DSSSB website after the examination, providing candidates with an opportunity to estimate their scores.

Result Declaration:
The results of the DSSSB Staff Nurse recruitment process will be uploaded on the official website following the completion of the examination/interview process.

Stay tuned for more updates and ensure you meet all the requirements to embark on a rewarding career with DSSSB.

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