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1. A junction between two or more bones or cartilage A Synovial B Joint C Sutures D. Fontenall Correct answer~b
2 Body temperature is regulated by A Medulla oblongata B. HypothalamusC Pituitary gland D. Cerebrum Correct answer~b
3 AIIMS stands for A All Institute of India and Medical B All India Institute of Medical Sciences C.Sciences Acquired Indian institute of Medicai Sciences D All India institute of Master Sciences Correct answer~b
4 International Nurse Day Celebration is orn A 5 September B 1 December C. 12th May D.29 septemberCorrect answer~c
5. Hand washing is essential before coing any procedure A To avoid dust contamination B To prevent self-infection C. To prevent cross infection D.To observe economy of material Correct answer~c
6 For IM injection, the nurse should insert the needle into the muscle at an angle of A. 15 degree C. 45 degree B. 30 degree D 90 degree Correct answer~d
7. Koplik's spot is the typical sign of A Mumps B. MeaslesC. Pertusis D. Diphtheria Correct answer~B
8 Bitot spot is caused by deficiency of A Vitamin A B. Vitamin C Vitamin B1D Vitamin B4Correct answer~a
9. Hepatitis b can be prevented by givingA. HBSAG vaccineB BCG vaccine C. DTP vaccineD. HBIG vaccine Correct answer~d/ a ***
10 Antibodies are produced by A Lymphocytes B ErythrocyteC Plasma cells D Eosinophis Correct answer~a
11. Common type of fracture in children A Simple fracture B. Greenstick fracture C. Coll's fracture D. Complicated fracture Correct answer~b
12Which test is used to detect typhoid? A Widal test B. Kahn test C. Mlard's test D. Rorschach test Correct answer~a
13 How many pair of chromosomes undiel of human being A 23 . B. 28 C. 32D. 36 Correct answer~a 14 Which of the folowing organ most afflected by jaundice A Lver B.kidneyC Lungs D Both A and CCorrect answer~a**
15 sputum is used to detection of A Tuberculosis B. Cancer C.HIVD JaundiceCorrect answer~a
16. Premature baby born before 37 week of gestation
17. Pagets disease is a disease of-bone
18. The stone formed in kidney and renal pelvis-renal stone
19. Arteries carryes blood from the heart to the rest of the body
20. Measles caused by rubeola virus
21. Lady with the lamp-florence nightiangle
22. Which of the following is not a part of international council of nurses-to spread awaerness
23. Which of the following is not a nurse role in drug administration-right pattern
24. In syringes the main purpose of barrel is A. Hold the liquid in the syringes B. Gonnect needle to the syringes C. Pievent the needle from rolling out D None of the above Correct answer~a
25. Which of the following is the range of PH scale? A 0-14 B. 0-12 C. 0-7 D. 1-14 Correct answer~a
26 The acronym CPAP refers to: A. Continuous Positive Airway PressureB.Continuous positive airway potential C. Continuous positive air pressure D continuous potential. airway pressureCorrect answer~a
27. How long would you check to see if an unconscious casualty is breathing normally? A No more than 10 secondsB. App approximately 10 seconds C. Exactly 10 secondsD. At least 10 secondsCorrect answer~d***
28.Menarche is said to occur when A. The woman's periods stopB. There are irreguiar periods bleedingC There is spontaneous heavyD. The woman's periods commenceCorrect answer~d
29. Primary prevention of obesity A. Low fiber diet B. High fiber diet C.High cholesterol dietD.High intake of protein Correct answer~b
30. Culex is the vector for A. Filaria B. JEC. Dengue D. Yellow feverCorrect answer~b
31. KFD is transmited by A Monkeytics B.miteC Sand fleay4. MosquitoCorrect answer~a
32. Excess of body fat in the body stored in A Adipose tissueB. Acrosome C. Connective tissue D. Bone Correct answer~a
33. The lungs are covered by two membranes called as A.Veins B.Air sacsC Pleura D. None of these Correct answer~c
34 In case of hypoglycemia of new born, what should be given?A. Honey B. JuiceC. Glucose D. None of these Correct answer~c
35, Narrowest part of the fallopian tube is the?A Ampulla B. IsthmusC. Infundibulum D. Interstitial portion Correct answer~d
36. T-cells are produced from A. Bone marrow B. ThymusC. SpleenD. None of these Correct answer~a
37. Schick test is used for the detection of A.TB.B. Typhoid C.DiphtheriaD. CholeraCorrect answer~c
38. The most important stage of the nursing process is: A. Evaluation B. Assessment C. PlanningD. Implementation Correct answer~b
39 The nomal sodiun teeln the body is A 135 to 145 milliequvalents B.3-5 milliequvalentsC.135 to 145 microequvalentsD.3-5microequvalentsCorrect answer~a
40.which type of burn eads to the greatest degree of pain? A fist-degree burm B second-degree burnC third-degree bun D fourhdegree burnCorrect answer~a
41 in human body iron is absorbed in A The esophagusB the illiumC the duodenum D None of the aboveCorrect answer~c
42. What s the most important test for iron stores? A Serum calcium B Senum ferritinC Senum phosphate D None of the above Correct answer~b
43 Platelets are produced in A. The large intestne B. The liverC The bone marrowD The smal intestineCorrect answer~c
44. The term cytology relers to A. The study of cells B. The study of cancerC. The study of sputum D. The study of nerves Correct answer~a
45 Another name for stem cell transplantation is A Bone marrow transplantB. Spleen transplantationC biopsy D ChemotherapyCorrect answer~a
46 The pitultary gland is also known as A. The main part of a brainB. The blood-brain barrier C. The micro gland D. The master giand Correct answer~d
47 Excessive production of the thyroid A HyperparathyroidismB. HypoparathyroidisomC.hyperthyroidismD hythyroidismCorrect answer~c
48 The Basic amino acids is are A. Asparagine B.ArginineC. Glutamire D. All of the above Correct answer~d
49 Glycerol is converted to glucose in A. Liver B. MuscleC Heart D BrainCorrect answer~a
50. Ketone body formation takes place in A. LiverB Kidney C spleenD Blood Correct answer~a
52 what is the main purpose of white blood corpuscles? A To carry nutrients B. To combat infectionC. To carry oxygen D. To give strength Correct answer~b
52 Tibia is a bone found in the A Skull B. Arm C.legD. Face Correct answer~c
53. The highest point in the blood pressure or upper reading of blood pressure is called A. Systolic Pressure B. Diastolic PressureC. HypotensionD. Hypertension Correct answer~a
54. Which of the following is the main component of bones and teath? A. Calcium cartonateB. Calcium PhosphateC. Calcium Sulphate D. Calcium NitrateCorrect answer~b
55. Alexander Fleming discoverecd A Penicilin B X-RayC Streptomycin D. Telephone Correct answer~a
56 The hormone which transport glucose from blood to tissue A Gycogen B Insulin C ThyroxinD Heparin Correct answer~b
57. Biood without corpuscles and fibrinogen is called A Lymph B SerurnC Piasma D. Platelets Correct answer~b
58 which homone is responsible for milk ejection after the birth of the baby?A. Oxylocin B Progesterone C. ProlactinD. Estrogen Correct answer~a
59 Medical termination of pregnancy (MTP) is considered safe up to how many weeks of A. Stor weeks B Eight weeksC. Twelve weeks D. Eighteen weeks Correct answer~d
60. Which of the following symptomswould the nurse expect to find when assessing a cient with Meniere's disease?A. Epistasis B. Facial pain C ptosisD. Tinnitus Correct answer~d
61. The newtom infant should be kept comfortably warm because of A. His temperature is low at birth B His temperature tends to fall soon after birthC. Warmth increase the feeling ofD.He is prone to develop infection security Correct answer~b
62. Salivary amylase is also known as A. Ptyalin B. GastrinC. Glyoxalase D. PepsinCorrect answer~ a
63. Hemoglobin is a A Protein B. CarbohydratesC. Fat D Lipoprotein Correct answer~a
64. The proper clotting of blood deperds on an acequate supply of vitamin A. K B B1C. B6 . D. CCorrect answer~a
65. FSH and LH are produced by: A. Anterior pituitary B. HypothalamusC. PlacentaD. Ovaries Correct answer~a
67. If CO2:concentration of blood increases. Breathing rate will be, A.increaseB Decreases C. Is not affected D None of these Correct answer~a
68. Which of the vital sign is not included in APGAR score? A. Color B. RespirationC. Heart rate D temperatureCorrect answer~d
69. Hormones are produced by A. Exocrine glands B Endocrine glandsC. Holocine glandsD Appoccrine glandsCorrect answer~b
78 What is a taint? A A response to fear B An unexpected feverC A brief loss of coneciousness D A sign of flu Correct answer~c
79.What are the symptoms of third-degree bun? A Charred skin, no pain B Charmed skin painC Blsters and pain D Red and pan Correct answer~a
80 Inability to read small words held at usual distance is a primary feature of A Myopia B. AstigmatsmC. PreshyopiaD. Cataract Correct answer~a
81 Which of the foilowing should the nurse expect to observe as the primary initial symptom for a patient with perforative duodenal ulcer? A. Fever B. Pain C. DizzinessD. Vomiting Correct answer~b
82. While instilling ear drops, the ear canal of an adult is straightened by pulling the A. Down and back B. Up and backC Straight downD Straight back Correct answer~b
83 Inflammation of the tongue is known as A. Gingivitis B. GlossitisC. Parotitis D Stomatitis Correct answer~b
84. Severe allergic reaction to a drug is known as A. Anaphylaxix B InteractionC. Adverse D. ToxicityCorrect answer~a
85.Neonate of diabetic mother is at risk for all the following EXCEPT A. Hypoglycemia B Hypocalcemia C HyperglycemiaD.Hyperbilirubinimia Correct answer~c
86. Which one the following is a DNA Virus?A. Hepatitis A B. Hepatitis BC. Hepatitis C Hepatitis D Correct answer~b
87. A nurse is caring for a patient with Swine Flu' and she has to give the Drug of o hoice for Swine Flu' and it is A. Acyclovir B. Adefovir C. CidofovirD. Oseltamivir (Tamiflu) Correct answer~d
88. A nurse can decontaminate the HIV contaminated waste products, with all the following, EXCEPT A. Formaldehyde B. Methanol C. Glutaraldehyde D. Sodium hypochlorite Correct answer~b
89.When helping a stroke patient nurseshould assist A. On weak side B on strong sideC. From behind D From back Correct answer~b
90. What is the ratio of Two-person CPR?A. 12:1 B. 12:2C. 15:1 D. 15:2Correct answer~d
91. Aspermia is the term used to describe A Absence of semenB. Absence of red cellsC Presence of red cells D. None of the aboveCorrect answer~a
92 Which onethe following viruses cause post transfusion hepatitis?A Hepatitis AB. Hepatitis BC Hepatitis C D. Hepatitis D Correct answer~c
93 Which one of the following is norrmal duration of perpuriumA 2 weeksB. 4 weeks C. 6 weeksD. 8 weeks Correct answer~c
94. All the folowing are complications of twin pregnancy EXGEPTA. Preterm deliveryB. OvulationC. Low birth weightD. Placental abruption Correct answer~b
95. Which of the following is a common symptom of active tuberculosis?A. Marked weight lossB. Dyspnea on exertion C. Mental status changes D. Constipation Correct answer~a
96. The process termed for removal of lung - A. Lobotomy B. Segmentectormy C. Wedge D PneumonectomyCorrect answer~d
97. Which of the following is Pulse pressure range inadults A. 20-30 mm Hg B. 30-50 mm HgOpC. 10-20 mm Hg D. 40-90 mm HgCorrect answer~b
98. Howmany days is the neonatal period?A 28 daysB.1 yearC. 45 days D. 60 daysCorrect answer~a
99 vit d is maximum inA milkB fishC egg D code liver oilCorrect answer~d
100 full form of C.A.T.?- Computerized axial tomography
- Computerized auto test
- Computer attached Technology
- Computer aided tomography
Correct answer~a
Nursing wifi
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1. A junction between two or more bones or cartilage
A Synovial
B Joint
C Sutures
D. Fontenall
Correct answer~b
2 Body temperature is regulated by
A Medulla oblongata
B. Hypothalamus
C Pituitary gland
D. Cerebrum
Correct answer~b
3 AIIMS stands for
A All Institute of India and Medical
B All India Institute of Medical Sciences C.Sciences Acquired Indian institute of Medicai Sciences
D All India institute of Master Sciences
Correct answer~b
4 International Nurse Day Celebration is orn
A 5 September
B 1 December
C. 12th May
D.29 september
Correct answer~c
5. Hand washing is essential before coing any procedure
A To avoid dust contamination
B To prevent self-infection
C. To prevent cross infection
D.To observe economy of material
Correct answer~c
6 For IM injection, the nurse should insert the needle into the muscle at an angle of
A. 15 degree
C. 45 degree
B. 30 degree
D 90 degree
Correct answer~d
7. Koplik's spot is the typical sign of
A Mumps
B. Measles
C. Pertusis
D. Diphtheria
Correct answer~B
8 Bitot spot is caused by deficiency of
A Vitamin A
B. Vitamin
C Vitamin B1
D Vitamin B4
Correct answer~a
9. Hepatitis b can be prevented by giving
A. HBSAG vaccine
B BCG vaccine
C. DTP vaccine
D. HBIG vaccine
Correct answer~d/ a ***
10 Antibodies are produced by
A Lymphocytes
B Erythrocyte
C Plasma cells
D Eosinophis
Correct answer~a
11. Common type of fracture in children
A Simple fracture
B. Greenstick fracture
C. Coll's fracture
D. Complicated fracture
Correct answer~b
12Which test is used to detect typhoid?
A Widal test
B. Kahn test
C. Mlard's test
D. Rorschach test
Correct answer~a
13 How many pair of chromosomes undiel of human being
A 23 .
B. 28
C. 32
D. 36
Correct answer~a
14 Which of the folowing organ most afflected by jaundice
A Lver
C Lungs
D Both A and C
Correct answer~a**
15 sputum is used to detection of
A Tuberculosis
B. Cancer
D Jaundice
Correct answer~a
16. Premature baby born before 37 week of gestation
17. Pagets disease is a disease of-bone
18. The stone formed in kidney and renal pelvis-renal stone
19. Arteries carryes blood from the heart to the rest of the body
20. Measles caused by rubeola virus
21. Lady with the lamp-florence nightiangle
22. Which of the following is not a part of international council of nurses-to spread awaerness
23. Which of the following is not a nurse role in drug administration-right pattern
24. In syringes the main purpose of barrel is
A. Hold the liquid in the syringes
B. Gonnect needle to the syringes
C. Pievent the needle from rolling out
D None of the above
Correct answer~a
25. Which of the following is the range of PH scale?
A 0-14
B. 0-12
C. 0-7
D. 1-14
Correct answer~a
26 The acronym CPAP refers to:
A. Continuous Positive Airway Pressure
B.Continuous positive airway potential
C. Continuous positive air pressure
D continuous potential. airway pressure
Correct answer~a
27. How long would you check to see if an unconscious casualty is breathing normally?
A No more than 10 seconds
B. App approximately 10 seconds
C. Exactly 10 seconds
D. At least 10 seconds
Correct answer~d***
28.Menarche is said to occur when
A. The woman's periods stop
B. There are irreguiar periods bleeding
C There is spontaneous heavy
D. The woman's periods commence
Correct answer~d
29. Primary prevention of obesity
A. Low fiber diet
B. High fiber diet
C.High cholesterol diet
D.High intake of protein
Correct answer~b
30. Culex is the vector for
A. Filaria
C. Dengue
D. Yellow fever
Correct answer~b
31. KFD is transmited by
A Monkeytics
C Sand fleay
4. Mosquito
Correct answer~a
32. Excess of body fat in the body stored in
A Adipose tissue
B. Acrosome
C. Connective tissue
D. Bone
Correct answer~a
33. The lungs are covered by two membranes called as
B.Air sacs
C Pleura
D. None of these
Correct answer~c
34 In case of hypoglycemia of new born, what should be given?
A. Honey
B. Juice
C. Glucose
D. None of these
Correct answer~c
35, Narrowest part of the fallopian tube is the?
A Ampulla
B. Isthmus
C. Infundibulum
D. Interstitial portion
Correct answer~d
36. T-cells are produced from
A. Bone marrow
B. Thymus
C. Spleen
D. None of these
Correct answer~a
37. Schick test is used for the detection of
B. Typhoid
D. Cholera
Correct answer~c
38. The most important stage of the nursing process is:
A. Evaluation
B. Assessment
C. Planning
D. Implementation
Correct answer~b
39 The nomal sodiun teeln the body is
A 135 to 145 milliequvalents
B.3-5 milliequvalents
C.135 to 145 microequvalents
Correct answer~a
40.which type of burn eads to the greatest degree of pain?
A fist-degree burm
B second-degree burn
C third-degree bun
D fourhdegree burn
Correct answer~a
41 in human body iron is absorbed in
A The esophagus
B the illium
C the duodenum
D None of the above
Correct answer~c
42. What s the most important test for iron stores?
A Serum calcium
B Senum ferritin
C Senum phosphate
D None of the above
Correct answer~b
43 Platelets are produced in
A. The large intestne
B. The liver
C The bone marrow
D The smal intestine
Correct answer~c
44. The term cytology relers to
A. The study of cells
B. The study of cancer
C. The study of sputum
D. The study of nerves
Correct answer~a
45 Another name for stem cell transplantation is
A Bone marrow transplant
B. Spleen transplantation
C biopsy
D Chemotherapy
Correct answer~a
46 The pitultary gland is also known as
A. The main part of a brain
B. The blood-brain barrier
C. The micro gland
D. The master giand
Correct answer~d
47 Excessive production of the thyroid
A Hyperparathyroidism
B. Hypoparathyroidisom
D hythyroidism
Correct answer~c
48 The Basic amino acids is are
A. Asparagine
C. Glutamire
D. All of the above
Correct answer~d
49 Glycerol is converted to glucose in
A. Liver
B. Muscle
C Heart
D Brain
Correct answer~a
50. Ketone body formation takes place in
A. Liver
B Kidney
C spleen
D Blood
Correct answer~a
52 what is the main purpose of white blood corpuscles?
A To carry nutrients
B. To combat infection
C. To carry oxygen
D. To give strength
Correct answer~b
52 Tibia is a bone found in the
A Skull
B. Arm
D. Face
Correct answer~c
53. The highest point in the blood pressure or upper reading of blood pressure is called
A. Systolic Pressure
B. Diastolic Pressure
C. Hypotension
D. Hypertension
Correct answer~a
54. Which of the following is the main component of bones and teath?
A. Calcium cartonate
B. Calcium Phosphate
C. Calcium Sulphate
D. Calcium Nitrate
Correct answer~b
55. Alexander Fleming discoverecd
A Penicilin
B X-Ray
C Streptomycin
D. Telephone
Correct answer~a
56 The hormone which transport glucose from blood to tissue
A Gycogen
B Insulin
C Thyroxin
D Heparin
Correct answer~b
57. Biood without corpuscles and fibrinogen is called
A Lymph
B Serurn
C Piasma
D. Platelets
Correct answer~b
58 which homone is responsible for milk ejection after the birth of the baby?
A. Oxylocin
B Progesterone
C. Prolactin
D. Estrogen
Correct answer~a
59 Medical termination of pregnancy (MTP) is considered safe up to how many weeks of
A. Stor weeks
B Eight weeks
C. Twelve weeks
D. Eighteen weeks
Correct answer~d
60. Which of the following symptomswould the nurse expect to find when assessing a cient with Meniere's disease?
A. Epistasis
B. Facial pain
C ptosis
D. Tinnitus
Correct answer~d
61. The newtom infant should be kept comfortably warm because of
A. His temperature is low at birth
B His temperature tends to fall soon after birth
C. Warmth increase the feeling of
D.He is prone to develop infection security
Correct answer~b
62. Salivary amylase is also known as
A. Ptyalin
B. Gastrin
C. Glyoxalase
D. Pepsin
Correct answer~ a
63. Hemoglobin is a
A Protein
B. Carbohydrates
C. Fat
D Lipoprotein
Correct answer~a
64. The proper clotting of blood deperds on an acequate supply of vitamin
A. K
B B1
C. B6 .
D. C
Correct answer~a
65. FSH and LH are produced by:
A. Anterior pituitary
B. Hypothalamus
C. Placenta
D. Ovaries
Correct answer~a
67. If CO2:concentration of blood increases. Breathing rate will be, A.increase
B Decreases
C. Is not affected
D None of these
Correct answer~a
68. Which of the vital sign is not included in APGAR score?
A. Color
B. Respiration
C. Heart rate
D temperature
Correct answer~d
69. Hormones are produced by
A. Exocrine glands
B Endocrine glands
C. Holocine glands
D Appoccrine glands
Correct answer~b
78 What is a taint?
A A response to fear
B An unexpected fever
C A brief loss of coneciousness
D A sign of flu
Correct answer~c
79.What are the symptoms of third-degree bun?
A Charred skin, no pain
B Charmed skin pain
C Blsters and pain
D Red and pan
Correct answer~a
80 Inability to read small words held at usual distance is a primary feature of
A Myopia
B. Astigmatsm
C. Preshyopia
D. Cataract
Correct answer~a
81 Which of the foilowing should the nurse expect to observe as the primary initial symptom for a patient with perforative duodenal ulcer?
A. Fever
B. Pain
C. Dizziness
D. Vomiting
Correct answer~b
82. While instilling ear drops, the ear canal of an adult is straightened by pulling the
A. Down and back
B. Up and back
C Straight down
D Straight back
Correct answer~b
83 Inflammation of the tongue is known as A. Gingivitis
B. Glossitis
C. Parotitis
D Stomatitis
Correct answer~b
84. Severe allergic reaction to a drug is known as
A. Anaphylaxix
B Interaction
C. Adverse
D. Toxicity
Correct answer~a
85.Neonate of diabetic mother is at risk for all the following EXCEPT
A. Hypoglycemia
B Hypocalcemia
C Hyperglycemia
Correct answer~c
86. Which one the following is a DNA Virus?
A. Hepatitis A
B. Hepatitis B
C. Hepatitis C
Hepatitis D
Correct answer~b
87. A nurse is caring for a patient with Swine Flu' and she has to give the Drug of o hoice for Swine Flu' and it is
A. Acyclovir
B. Adefovir
C. Cidofovir
D. Oseltamivir (Tamiflu)
Correct answer~d
88. A nurse can decontaminate the HIV contaminated waste products, with all the following, EXCEPT
A. Formaldehyde
B. Methanol
C. Glutaraldehyde
D. Sodium hypochlorite
Correct answer~b
89.When helping a stroke patient nurseshould assist
A. On weak side
B on strong side
C. From behind
D From back
Correct answer~b
90. What is the ratio of Two-person CPR?
A. 12:1
B. 12:2
C. 15:1
D. 15:2
Correct answer~d
91. Aspermia is the term used to describe A Absence of semen
B. Absence of red cells
C Presence of red cells
D. None of the above
Correct answer~a
92 Which onethe following viruses cause post transfusion hepatitis?
A Hepatitis A
B. Hepatitis B
C Hepatitis C
D. Hepatitis D
Correct answer~c
93 Which one of the following is norrmal duration of perpurium
A 2 weeks
B. 4 weeks
C. 6 weeks
D. 8 weeks
Correct answer~c
94. All the folowing are complications of twin pregnancy EXGEPT
A. Preterm delivery
B. Ovulation
C. Low birth weight
D. Placental abruption
Correct answer~b
95. Which of the following is a common symptom of active tuberculosis?
A. Marked weight loss
B. Dyspnea on exertion
C. Mental status changes
D. Constipation
Correct answer~a
96. The process termed for removal of lung -
A. Lobotomy
B. Segmentectormy
C. Wedge
D Pneumonectomy
Correct answer~d
97. Which of the following is Pulse pressure range inadults
A. 20-30 mm Hg
B. 30-50 mm Hg
OpC. 10-20 mm Hg
D. 40-90 mm Hg
Correct answer~b
98. Howmany days is the neonatal period?
A 28 days
B.1 year
C. 45 days
D. 60 days
Correct answer~a
99 vit d is maximum in
A milk
B fish
C egg
D code liver oil
Correct answer~d
100 full form of C.A.T.?
- Computerized axial tomography
- Computerized auto test
- Computer attached Technology
- Computer aided tomography
Correct answer~a