HomenotificationCANCELLATION NOTICE online CBT Examination for recruitment of Nursing officers held on 07/10/2018 CANCELLATION NOTICE online CBT Examination for recruitment of Nursing officers held on 07/10/2018 nursing wifi Friday, April 29, 2022 0 minute read 0 CANCELLATION NOTICE online CBT Examination for recruitment of Nursing officers held on 07/10/2018 It is information to all candidates that online CBT Examination for recruitment of Nursing officers held on 07/10/2018 stands cancelled. The examination will be held again for all the candidates already registered. The details and the procedure will be put for information of all concerned on the website www.vmmc-sjh.nic.in & www.vmmc-sjhonline.com soon. https://nursingwifi.in/2018/11/28/cancellation-notice-online-cbt-examination-for-recruitment-of-nursing-officers-held-on-07-10-2018/?feed_id=215&_unique_id=626bd3e490b7b Tags notification Facebook Twitter Whatsapp Share to other apps CANCELLATION NOTICE online CBT Examination for recruitment of Nursing officers held on 07/10/2018 notification Newer Older