Nursing officer recruitment in KGMU Lucknow

1 minute read

 Application on plain paper invited for following purely temporary post (likely to continue for three years) in the Central Drug Research Institute (CDRI). Lucknow, 

Sponsored Research CAR Project entitled " Centre for Product Develonment" For KGMU, Lucknow By CDRI under Principal Investigator Dr. Satyendra Kumar Sonkar, Professor. Appointment will be made initially for a period of one year. 

The selected candidate cannot claim a regular appointment as the post is co-terminus with the project (all position will cease to exist once the project is. completed).

 Qualification BSC in Nursing With Two Years of Experience with any reputed institute or Hospital. 

S.NO. Post Salary Two Staff Nurse Rs. 31,500/- per month 

Application along with attested copies of degree, mark-sheets, experience certificate and testimonials shall be submitted on email: of the undersigned till p.m. on 21/01/2022.

Those who will be shortlisted with eligibility criteria will get a call for attending the interview.

 Candidates are directed to report for interview with all relevant documents in original. 

No separate call letters shall be issued and no T.A/D.A. shall be paid for attending the interview. 

Also send a soft copy of your CV and above relevant documents as mentioned in Qualification to

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