Notice regarding Computer Based Test (CBT) for recruitment to the post of Nursing Officer (Staff Nurse Grade – II) in AIIMS Nagpur and AIIMS Mangalagiri

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UNotice regarding Computer Based Test (CBT) for recruitment to the

post of Nursing Officer (Staff Nurse Grade – II) in AIIMS Nagpur and

AIIMS Mangalagiri

This is in reference to the advertisement no AIIMS-RPR/Admin/Rec./ 

AIIMS-NGP/2018/0330, dated 24-09-2018 and AIIMS-RPR/Admin/Rec./

AIIMS-MANG/2018/0331, dated 24-09-2018, it is to inform that 

CBT for recruitment to the post of Nursing Officer (Staff Nurse Grade – II)

in AIIMS Nagpur and AIIMS Mangalagiri is tentatively scheduled on 

14th November 2018 at the following cities:

Raipur, Durg, Bhilai, Hyderabad, Vijaywada, Guntur and Nagpur.

Candidates can download their admit card for the said CBT from the website of AIIMS Raipur from 05-11-2018 (10:00 hrs) to 13-11-2018(24:00 hrs).

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