Syllabus exam of Safdarjung Hospital nursing Officer Grade II 991recruitment 2018
2 hrs 150question 100 nursing section + 50 questions .The questions in the Computer Based Exam will based on the following Subjects from Diploma in General
Nursing & Midwifery or B.SC (Hons) in Nursing: -
1 Anatomy
2 Physiology
3 Nursing Foundation
4 Nutrition
5 Biochemistry
6 Psychology
7 Microbiology
8 English
9 Hindi
10 Introduction to Computers
11 Sociology
12 Pharmacology
13 Pathology/Genetics
14 Medical Surgical Nursing (Adult Including Geriatrics)
15 Community Health Nursing
16 Communication & Educational Technology
17 Child Health Nursing
18 Mental Health Nursing
19 Obstetrical Nursing including Midwifery
20 Nursing Research & Statistics
21 Management of Nursing Services
22 General Knowledge
23 Mental Ability/Reasoning