Computer Based Test(CBT) was held on 9.9.2017. Result of CBT was declared on 26.2.2018 and
on the basis of performance in CBT, 1675 candidates were shortlisted for the Skill Test. Scheme and
Schedule of Skill Test was uploaded on AIIMS Raipur website on 10.3.2018. The Skill Test was conducted
from 23.3.2018 to 28.3.2018. 1325 candidates appeared in the Skill Test as per the details given below:-
Candidates UR SC ST OBC PH Total
Shortlisted for Skill Test 335 332 151 808 49 1675
Absent in Skill Test 82 61 40 159 08 350
Appeared in Skill Test 253 271 111 649 41 1325
3. The result of the Skill Test is annexed herewith as ANNEXURE. Total 520 candidates qualified in
the Skill Test
on the basis of performance in CBT, 1675 candidates were shortlisted for the Skill Test. Scheme and
Schedule of Skill Test was uploaded on AIIMS Raipur website on 10.3.2018. The Skill Test was conducted
from 23.3.2018 to 28.3.2018. 1325 candidates appeared in the Skill Test as per the details given below:-
Candidates UR SC ST OBC PH Total
Shortlisted for Skill Test 335 332 151 808 49 1675
Absent in Skill Test 82 61 40 159 08 350
Appeared in Skill Test 253 271 111 649 41 1325
3. The result of the Skill Test is annexed herewith as ANNEXURE. Total 520 candidates qualified in
the Skill Test